The following speech was made by HEIA(Q) President Rosemarie Sciacca at the opening of the HEIA(Q) 2022 state conference when announcing Debbie Mawston as the recipient of the HEIA(Q) 2022 Teacher Excellence Award.
It is my honour to announce the recipient of the HEIA(Q) Teacher Excellence Award for 2022. The Teacher Excellence awards provide an invaluable opportunity to recognise and celebrate the outstanding work done by home economics practitioners. Home economics teachers contribute much to education in Queensland, and this is one way the profession can acknowledge practitioners who excel in the field.
The awardee for this year is Debbie Mawston. Unfortunately, Debbie is unable to be with us today.
Debbie is a passionate curriculum leader who has led the Home Economics faculty at Pine Rivers State High School to develop innovative teaching and assessment packages that align with curriculum priorities. This leadership extends to not only mentoring colleagues, but also to being a panellist for Hospitality for the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA), as well as piloting syllabuses. This in turn has supported QCAA processes, professional development and resources.
Colleagues note Debbie’s love of Hospitality and how this has transferred to her students, with her commitment providing students with practical skills and opportunities appropriate to the industry. This has resulted in students developing high-quality skills that are transferable to employment opportunities.
Debbie’s influence extends beyond her subject area. Her involvement in the school Literacy Committee is also of note. Debbie has collaboratively developed and presented literacy professional development at her school and has mentored colleagues in the implementation of literacy strategies. In turn, this has impacted on the Home Economics faculty, with the range of practical strategies and activities being aligned with the school’s literacy priorities in the Annual Implementation Plan.
Could you please join me in congratulating Debbie on her deserved award?
Rosie Sciacca
President, HEIA(Q)