
Packed with information and resources to support HEIA(Q) members, the new site is both visually appealing and contemporary in design.


The navigation bar is at the top of the ‘Home’ page, where you can also access the search function. As you scroll down the Home page you can see links to the HEIA(Q) Facebook page, the latest news and conference information.

About HEIA(Q)

Moving across the navigation bar to the ‘About’ section, you can utilise the drop-down menu to access the membership link to join or renew your HEIA membership. Also in the ‘About’ section, there are links to the history of HEIA(Q), the awards HEIA(Q) makes and how HEIA(Q) is governed.

News and resources

The ‘News and Resources’ section is the place to read your digital copy of the inForm newsletter as well as to access PDFs of past inForm issues. This section also includes resources for the discipline areas of food and nutrition, families and textiles, clothing and fashion. There is also a yet-to-be-completed section allocated for resources about design. We would love to hear from you if you have suggestions for resources to be added to this section.


Under the ‘Events’ tab you can access information and resources about competitions such as the McCormick/HEIA Flavour Forecast Recipe Challenge 2020 as well as upcoming events. While COVID-19 has curtailed our normal conference and workshop programs, after a successful trial of two online community-of-practice events in July 2020, more of these will be held later in the year—they will be advertised on the website.


Finally, if you want to quickly access ACARA documents for Years 7–10 or access QCAA documents for senior subjects, click on the ‘Curriculum’ tab to take you directly to the sources of these documents.


I’d like to say a big ‘thank you’ to Dr Janet Reynolds for overseeing the revamp of the HEIA(Q) website.
Sharyn Laidlaw HEIA(Q) Committee of Management